I would like to know if there is anyone else out there who believes that they have been wrongfully fined by the Georgetown Township Public Library, particularly for "scratches" on DVD materials. I have received a $4 and a $6 fine on DVD's that were checked out from the public library in Jenison, and having a considerable number of CD's and DVD's myself, I consider it highly unlikely that the only ones that I have damaged belonged to the public library, after having been played once or twice. If this has happened to you, please comment here, and also make sure that you send a note to the GeorgeTown Township Supervisor, http://www.gtwp.com/board/tb.html Anyway, with Grandville Library so close, shouldn't we shut this one down anyway?
I was excited to see CFL bulbs on sale for .99 for up to 75w replacement bulbs. I had just purchased 4 of the GE Natural 60W Replacement bulbs for the new fixtures in my basement, so I bought some 75W Meijer bulbs to do side by side (you can exceed the watt recommendation in a fixture since it only uses 13-15W, right?) The 60 W GE Natural lights had so much brighter and better light than the "Soft Light" 75W bulbs. When I look into that room, it looks like the sun is shining in there. I have now become a lighting snob. Not everyone likes the bluish natural light, so please don't be discouraged from replacing your regular light bulbs with the .99 bulb, but try the expensive ones to, see if you're not happier. Who'da thunk I'd be excited about lighting?
We know that God knows what we need, and cares about it. He cares about us enough for us to share our concerns. We can rest knowing that he will answer with what's best for us, provide for our needs. You know what we can pray for, that he has already promised? The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faith, gentleness and sell control. See how it starts will love, joy and peace? Isn't that really the end game of most of our requests? What we wish for ourselves, and for others? If your live is filled with peace and joy and love, you don't have room for worry. If you have joy and peace, you can have patience. And what caps it? Love. To love and be loved. We love him, because he first loved us. Oh what love. And because he loved us, can love others and ourselves. .sometimes (Slow, soulful, like long waves against the shore) Sometimes I pray at oh Lord How long will this night last Sometimes I wait in vain For the rain to pass I cry out l...